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EM18 - RFID Reader Module
EM18 - RFID Reader Module

EM18 - RFID Reader Module

EM18 RFID Reader is a module which reads the ID information stored in RFID TAGS. This ID information is unique for every TAG which cannot be copied.   
DS3231 RTC Module
DS3231 RTC Module

DS3231 RTC Module

RTC means Real Time Clock. RTC modules are simply TIME and DATE remembering systems which have battery setup which in the absence of external power keeps the module running. This keeps the TIME and DATE up to date.
TP4056A Li-ion Battery Charging/Discharging Module
TP4056A Li-ion Battery Charging/Discharging Module

TP4056A Li-ion Battery Charging/Discharging Module

Pin Configuration: No: Pin Name Description 1 OUT +
5V 5-Pin Relay Module
5V 5-Pin Relay Module

5V 5-Pin Relay

Relay Pin Configuration Pin Number Pin Name Description