The MJE13001 is a common BJT NPN switching transistor that is found in lamp ballasts and (cheap) phone chargers because of its high breakdown voltage and current capacity.
The D882 is a medium power NPN transistor that features a high collector-emitter breakdown voltage and medium current carrying capability. It can also be mounted on a heatsink using the screw hole in the SOT-32 package.
The BC488 is a PNP Transistor in a TO-92 package, that has a VCE of -60V and a collector current of -1000mA or -1A. It can be used as a small signal switching transistor.
The BC177 and BC177B are silicon planar epitaxial PNP transistors in the TO-18 metal case. They are suitable for use in driver stages, low noise input stages, and signal processing circuits of television receivers.
The 2N4402 is a PNP silicon transistor designed for general purpose amplifier and switching applications. This transistor comes with a VCE of 40V and a continuous collector current of 600mA. It can be used as a small signal switching transistor.