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Power Bank Module T6845-C
Power Bank Module T6845-C

Power Bank Module T6845-C (5V Step-Up Power Module Lithium Battery Charging Protection Board USB)

The 5V Step-Up Power Module Lithium Battery Charging Protection Board or the Power bank module contains a single chip that has multiple applications.
I2C Serial Interface Adapter Module
I2C Serial Interface Adapter Module

I2C Serial Interface Adapter Module for LCD

Due to limited pin resources in a microcontroller/microprocessor, controlling an LCD panel could be tedious. Serial to Parallel adapters such as the I2C serial interface adapter module with PCF8574 chip makes the work easy with just two pins.
MAX7219 8x8 Dot Matrix Display Module
MAX7219 8x8 Dot Matrix Display Module

8x8 Dot Matrix Display Module with MAX7219 Driver IC

The 8x8 Dot Matrix Display Module has a MAX7219 driver IC and an 8x8 LED Matrix.
Dog Barking Sound Module
Dog Barking Sound Module

Dog Barking Sound Module

Dog Barking Sound Module is a good quality sound output module with contact points for triggering the dog sound to the speakers.