NCP3066 or NCV3066 is a monolithic constant current regulator IC used for LED lighting applications. This IC can be found in marine, automotive lighting or any portable lighting applications.
BD81A76EFV-M Automotive-Grade Backlight LED Driver
ROHM announced the availability of the latest LED driver IC, the BD81A76EFV-M, optimized for LCD backlight in instrument cluster, center information displays and car navigation.
HVLED007 - Distortion Cancelling High-Voltage LED Driver
Featuring a novel distortion-cancelling input-current shaping (ICS) circuit, the HVLED007 AC/DC LED driver from STMicroelectronics enables energy-saving solid-state luminaires to comply with increasingly stringent lighting regulations.
The AN6884 is a monolithic integrated circuit driving 5-LED and is capable of logarithmic (dB) bar graph display for input signal. Operating voltage range for AN6884 is 3.5 V to 16 V and current output is 15 mA.
Robust and Flexible, Automotive Buck, LED Drivers Streamline Interior and Exterior Lighting
Diodes Incorporated launched two new automotive LED drivers AL8860Q and AL8861Q that integrates robust performance, simplified design, and flexibility to address internal and external lighting applications, such as fog lamps, position lamps, rear lamps, and door lamps.
The ST's LED1202 12-channel LED driver enables smoother and more natural interactions with smart-home devices, wearable electronics, and small appliances.