LT1085 is a positive adjustable Low Dropout Linear voltage regulator designed to provide output current of 3A with higher efficiency than currently available devices.
AZ1084 is a Low Dropout Linear Voltage Regulator designed for a wide range of applications. The AZ1084 voltage regulator has a low dropout voltage of 1.5V at 5A of load current. The AZ1084 is available in 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V, and 5.0V versions.
The LP2985 is a fixed output, low drop-out (LDO) regulator with output current capability of 150 mA, very low dropout voltage (280 mV), and better than 1.5 % Voltage Regulation Accuracy. LP2985 has an Enable pin to provide Zero-current shutdow
The AP2112 is CMOS process low dropout linear regulator that delivers a 600mA (min.) continuous load current. The AP2112 comes with an Enable function with a fixed output voltage of 1.2V, 1.8V, 2.5V, 2.6V, or 3.3V.
STPMIC1 – Low Cost Integrated Power Management IC to Save Board Space
STMicroelectronics has announced STPMIC1 PMIC, which is a fully integrated Power-Management IC. It is designed as a companion chip for the STM32MP1 microprocessor and a general-purpose system power management solution.
MCP1702 is low dropout voltage regulator that can deliver up to 250 mA of current while consuming only 2.0 µA of quiescent current and it has a low dropout voltage of 650mV.
Low dropout regulator (LDO) is a simple and cost-effective voltage regulator to get a regulated output voltage from a higher input voltage. The special feature of an LDO is its ability to have a very low voltage drop across it when providing a regulated output voltage.
The MIC5219 is an efficient linear voltage regulator with high peak output current capability of 500mA, very low dropout voltage (500mV at full load), and better than 1% output voltage accuracy. Approx.
RT9193 is an Ultra-Low Noise, Ultra-Fast CMOS LDO Regulator with power consumption less than 0.01μA in shutdown mode and has fast turn-on time less than 50μs.