Infineon Technologies introduced a monolithically integrated linear Hall sensor which was developed entirely according to the safety standard ISO26262 for automotive applications…
Toshiba Electronics released a family of five new photorelays housed in the smallest package, the S-VSONR4 (2.0mm x 1.45mm). The new photorelays are ideal for applications such as…
Traco Power launched two new series TEL 10 & TEL 10WI of isolated 10 Watt converters which come in an ultra-compact DIP-16 metal package. The most compact design ensures…
Vishay Intertechnology released 14 new Qi-Compliant Wireless Transmitter and Receiver Coils in industry-standard shield sizes. There are eight single-coil transmitters (Tx), three…
STMicroelectronics released new STM32H7 Arm Cortex-M general-purpose MCUs, combining dual-core punch with power saving features and enhanced protection. The new MCUs feature the…
Infineon Technologies released XENSIV DPS368 miniaturized digital barometric pressure sensor which is capable of measuring both pressure and temperature with an ultra-high…
Sensirion is announcing the SCD40 – the first miniaturized CO2 and RH/T sensor that fits in a space of just one cubic centimeter. This innovation is based on the photoacoustic…
The ST's LED1202 12-channel LED driver enables smoother and more natural interactions with smart-home devices, wearable electronics, and small appliances. It can store eight…
CUI’s new comprehensive line of MEMS microphones offer improved audio quality, performance and reliability. Housed in extremely compact, low profile footprints measuring as small…
RECOM recently added REM2 series of DC/DC converters for medical applications which offers versatile features and complete medical certifications. These modular DC/DC converters…